Wednesday, August 12, 2009


The sounds of seagulls outside, remind me of the ocean.
I love the ocean, it makes me feel calm, soothed, and a part of something bigger than 'me'.

The seagulls remind me of the ocean.
It isn't only the ocean that can make me feel calm, soothed, and a part of something bigger than 'me'.

It's nice to remember at points throughout the day, how small we are, how big we are, how central we are, and how unimportant we are. Such a broad array of possible ways to see things, and the simple fact that there are so many ways, all based on other ways and other ways beyond them, makes you realise how unruled it all is.

Life isn't ruled by society, by the physical environment, by deep thought. Life is life, and we may only be here once.

Seek, savour, enjoy.

Love throughout, for from my learning, loving is just putting some of those feelings of connectedness and separateness into action. Plus for whatever reason, loving will make you happy. Love everyone you meet, you never know, it might catch on ;)

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