This short post is largely inspired I think, by "Stranger than fiction" which I just watched, by an actual novel I flicked through while browsing through Oxford Street Books in Leederville today - "Ethics", a book discussing the ideas of Aristotle, and then also by "Atlas Shrugged".
The book I was flicking through today talked about this universal idea of Nature and God and brought them together as being basically the same thing described by two different models.
In the same way as we describe ourselves as having a mind and body.
All these things can be reconciled if we agree that we are as we are,
we live in the world in which we live and we can do as we please.
So it pleases me to be happy,
and I'm happier doing things which are congruent with my values,
which does not include lazing about watching TV.
- and I openly acknowledge (but should probably remember more, day to day) that my values aren't by any means absolute in their righteousness.
And so I've decided that regardless of what my inertia may suggest, tomorrow morning -
at 5.30am I will get up, turn off my alarm, wash my face and brush my teeth,
and then with the zeal of a clown on a tiny bike - I'll go off to the gym with a smile.
And later that day, I'll spend copious amounts of time, enjoying studying.
Because being physically healthy and fit,
looking good according to the standards I adhere to,
and living the adventure of adventurous production,
make me joyous. More honestly joyous than I've ever been before.
And in doing so I create self worth and honor which I can then trade to make me even happier.
I can trade it in the form of money for goods,
or I can trade it in the form of the value of a good character, which I can trade for good society.
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